January ’25 Challenge

Happy New Year one and all! Let’s get this year started off right with our horses. Last month I encouraged everyone to really give a good think to their horse goals for this year and begin formulating a plan. It’s not too late to still do this! You can read more about some important questions you should ask yourself in last month’s Challenge post. As my post today is a continuation of that thought I recommend everyone take a few minutes to read that post if you haven’t yet. But moving along into this month our primary task is to choose a riding pattern which furthers your goals, either create a pattern of your own or tweak one that you find from some other resource. I will include a list of links to those patterns at the bottom of this article for you to review.

Where to Start

Start by creating or choosing a pattern that suits your pursuits. Your pattern doesn’t have to be fancy. It can include transitions, circles, ground poles, jumps, cones, various trail obstacles, mazes, etc. It could be continuous so it can be ridden in a loop, or can have set start and finish points. Pick three or four elements to string together and there ya have it – a pattern!

Next Step

Next, start working that pattern with your horse. Sometimes you will find something is harder than you thought – that’s ok! Break it down as small and simple for your horse as you need to. Don’t be afraid to just work on one element in your pattern per ride, then link things together as you gain confidence. If something is easy, try to do it fancier or faster. If something is hard, do it simpler and slower. Really think through each piece as you go and allow your horse to do the same. Chip away at it all month long and see how you improve!

The Purpose

The main point is to encourage creativity and independent problem solving. Clearly stating your goals to yourself is a great way to narrow down what you want to work on. Targeted exercises will generally get us further than aimless wandering in our training.

Final Thoughts

Each rider’s homemade pattern will have its own flavor because each rider will have their own goals, and that is wonderful!

However, if you don’t feel confident enough to create a pattern on your own just yet, below this post is the list of links I promised. Each article describes a pattern, setting it up, its purposes and what to focus on while working it. Though they can be used as is, I encourage you to add your own flare.

Regardless of how you go about choosing your pattern for the month, please give real consideration to your horsey goals for the year as you go. Start putting one foot in front of the other working towards them and above all. There’s no time like the present. Have Fun!

“The Diamond Ring”

“Amazing Mazes”

“Big Circle, Little Circle”

“Four Leaf Clover”

“The Compass”

“Reverse Horseshoe”

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About The Author

Testament Farm – Horse and Rider Training